Improving Heart Health

New York City-based cardiologist Robert Ostfeld, M.D., is the founder and director of the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore Medical Center. A Yale- and Harvard-trained physician, Ostfeld strongly recommends that his patients make healthy lifestyle changes, including adopting a plant-based diet. He confesses that when he gives this recommendation, “sometimes patients look at me like […]

8 Tricks to Calm Runaway Food Urges

What’s Causing Your Cravings? It’s a common assumption that cravings indicate a nutritional need (for example, a chocolate craving means your body needs magnesium). But while this explanation is appealing, the real story is more complicated, says Marcia Pelchat, Ph.D., a food cravings expert at the Monell Chemical Senses Center. It’s true that you’re more […]

The Lazy Cook’s Guide to Healthy Eating

8 Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen and Eat Better Let’s face it: Healthful cooking takes work. We all know we should eat fewer processed foods and more fresh produce and whole grains. But it’s so much easier to grab a frozen dinner or a fast-food meal. With a little help from my friends, I’m […]

White Bean and Pumpkin Lasagna

Yield: 6 servings Total prep time: 20 minutes Total cooking time: 3-4 hours on low, or 1½-2 hours on high This lasagna is perfect for a meat eater who’d like to try a vegetarian dish. It’s easy to make and hearty. Add a nice spinach salad, and you’re all ready to have friends over for […]

A Hefty Price Tag

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, overweight and obesity are defined by a mathematical calculation that uses a person’s height and weight to determine his or her body fat. This number is called body mass index, or BMI. A number, however, can’t capture the true meaning of excess weight. Heaviness exacts a […]

Foods That Fight Cancer

If you want to fill your grocery cart with foods that will help keep cancer far from home, start with these powerful foods: Colorful Fruits & Vegetables According to the recent World Cancer Research Fund report, fruits and vegetables are especially protective against cancer of the lung, mouth, esophagus, and stomach. A Swedish study, for […]

No-Meat Athletes

When it comes to world-class athletes, there’s a proven principle: plants can fuel people through the most demanding sports on the planet. Consider ultramarthoner Scott Jurek, a vegan since 1999, who set a U.S. record in 2010 for running 165.7 miles in 24 hours. Primarily plant-powered Tour de France bicyclist, Dave Zabriskie, set the record […]

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

“It’s just too expensive to eat right!” “I don’t have the money to buy all those fruits and vegetables.” “Those low-fat, low-sugar foods cost so much!” When you’re on a tight budget, grocery shopping can be a frustrating experience. But it doesn’t have to be. It’s a common misconception that you’ll have to sacrifice good […]

Healthier Holiday Traditions

Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Wisconsin, there were some foodstuffs named Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate, and Cheesy Casserole. As usual, they were feeling confident as they approached the holiday season, knowing they would be as popular as ever. They were always a hit at parties hosted by The Family. The foodstuffs loved […]