Six Memory Joggers for Overloaded Brains

I confess that my memory is somewhat sketchy. While I rarely forget a friend’s birthday (thanks to Facebook!), I’m terrible with names. And then there’s the issue of my car keys, which I’m continually misplacing. Just ask my husband—he’ll tell you that sometimes I cheat and drive off with his set, leaving him the task of […]

Identify Your Character Strengths and Put Them Into Action

My sister Jenny loves to liven up dinner parties by having people go around the room and answer the question, “What is your superpower?” In other words, what is some quality that others know you for, even if it’s something seemingly useless or outrageous? Initially, there is an awkward pause when she turns to the […]

How to Break a Bad Habit in 20 Seconds

We all have habits we would like to modify. Vibrant Life editor Heather Quintana describes a simple strategy that can help you break a bad habit or start a healthy one. Read Vibrant Life to discover more ways you can make positive changes in your life.

Can Faith Make You Well?

Vibrant Life editor Heather Quintana previews an article in the September/October issue that looks at the connection between faith and health. Research in the growing field of neuroimmunology shows that faith definitely has a dramatic affect on diseases and even longevity.

Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

Are you tired of struggling with fear? Is worry wearing you out? Anxiety got you by the throat? Jennifer Jill Schwirzer offers hope and explains how building your faith will shrink your fears. A friend once told me she rejected the Bible. “All that stuff about Creation, the Flood, the Red Sea—it’s so outrageous.” Ironically, […]

Six Ways to Relieve Pain Naturally

Antidepressants, muscle relaxers, analgesics, and antianxiety medications—nearly a dozen prescriptions were supposed to manage Myrna Scott’s fibromyalgia symptoms. But instead of helping her feel better, the side effects—such as a severely upset stomach and a general feeling of being “out of it”—made her feel even worse. So she decided to do something about it. She […]