Rose Hips

While the common rose originated in Iran, cultivation of the fragrant flower took off in Europe in the 1800’s with the introduction of roses from China that had an amazing ability to bloom repeatedly throughout the summer and into late autumn. Rose bushes have become one of the most popular garden shrubs, bearing flowers in a variety of colors: red, white, pink, yellow, orange, and burgundy. Currently, there are thousands of rose varieties and hybrids that have been developed for their bloom shape, color, size, and fragrance. Some even lack thorns.
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Soluble Fiber to the Rescue

Many people consume highly refined diets that contain very little fiber. In addition, they drink inadequate amounts of water and fail to engage in a regular exercise program. This produces a sluggish intestinal tract with constipation. A large number of people seek relief by spending millions of dollars on various laxatives.
Read more about Psyllium


Ancient Medicine for Modern Diseases

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), a member of the pea family, is an annual plant that grows from four to 20 inches in height and has pale-yellow flowers. The botanical name for fenugreek means “Greek hay”, since it was used at one time to scent poor quality hay. The plant is native to the Mediterranean region, the Ukraine, India, and China. Today it is cultivated primarily in India, Morocco, Turkey, and China.
Read more about Fenugreek