5 Keys to Better Fitness

One of the toughest things anyone can do is start a fitness program after not being active for some time. Once you make the commitment to yourself, where do you go and what do you do? You know that aerobic exercise is good for your heart and burns extra calories, but the last time you went running, it was painful. And you only want to tone up, not have big giant muscles like something on an ESPN workout program.

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Junk in the Trunk

A couple of months ago my husband and I were driving in the car discussing weight issues and workout tips. My husband was complaining about his "junk in the trunk." If you saw my husband, you would quickly realize he doesn't have any "junk in the trunk." And I quickly piped in saying," you think you have junk in the trunk, what about my junk in the front?"
O.K., so you have to know I'm not really talking about the mess in the back or front seat of my car. No, I'm talking to you about the junk in your backside, you know your derriere. Come on, you have to admit it that every now and then you catch yourself on tip toes peering into the mirror wondering how your butt looks. Does it look big? Does it look flabby or saggy? Or, maybe it just looks lumpy and bumpy. Women are especially good at asking how their butt looks. My famous line is: "Honey, does this make my butt look big?" My husband has finally learned the correct answer is "NO," and then I end up changing into different clothes anyway.
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