Protect Your Family From Antibiotic Resistance

Last year when Meredith started getting symptoms of a sinus infection, this 44-year-old teacher and busy mother of three opted to call her doctor’s office and describe the symptoms to the nurse instead of going in for an evaluation. After speaking with the doctor, the nurse called in a prescription for antibiotics to the local pharmacy. A few months later when Marilyn was preparing for the family’s vacation, she again called the nurse and asked for several refills of the antibiotic “in case she became ill.”

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Your Fast Track to Medical Information

Are you looking for an Internet site that’s user-friendly and dependable? Medlineplus ( is your source. Brought to you by the U.S. government’s National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, it’s one of the best resources for general medical information. Included are health topics, a medical encyclopedia, directories, organizations, and the latest medical news. You can access information about various diseases and conditions and pharmaceutical drugs.

Read more about Your Fast Track to Medical Information