5 Reasons to Go Meat-free

Look at all the meat alternatives on restaurant menus and the array of plant-based products at grocery stores, and it’s clear that the number of people choosing to eat less meat is steadily increasing. While a vegetarian diet has historically been associated with plain salads, bland tofu, and the fear of malnutrition, this outdated perception […]

3 Ways to Manage Food Cravings

Do you ever get up from the table after completing a meal and still feel like you’re craving something? This feeling can lead to unintentional weight gain and issues with self-control. Cravings can be disheartening to deal with because nobody wants to feel like an area of their life is difficult to control. Self-sabotage and […]

8 Habits of Happy Families

Happiness can vary depending on our personal circumstances. But why are some families more resilient and happier despite the obstacles life throws their way?  Happy families often have certain traits in common, and you can adapt their habits to create a happier home of your own. Here are eight things they do:   1. Eat together Multiple […]

Spring-Clean Your Mind

There’s something invigorating about the birds chirping, the plants growing, and days lengthening. Springtime is almost like a new year with abundant fresh starts. For many, the season heralds a tradition that dates back thousands of years to the Persians and Israelites: spring-cleaning. Whether deep cleaning carpets, donating unused clothing and household items, or edging […]

New Year, New Attitude

Want to bring more joy into your life this year? Try shifting your mindset. Not only can adopting a more optimistic attitude help you create a happier life, but it will also influence how well you respond to life’s daily challenges.  A positive outlook boosts productivity, energy, and motivation; helps reduce stress; enhances confidence and […]

Tame the Holiday Circus

Are holiday traditions, parties, volunteer commitments, and shopping turning you into the frenzied ringmaster of a runaway circus train? For your sanity and health, put the brakes on the holiday rush. Here’s how. 1. Cancel some of the sideshows.  Leave a few activities off the program this year. Ellie Griffin, a vitality coach, says this is […]

The Science of Giving

Want to feel happier and calmer while also helping to make the world a better place? Research tells us that the simple act of giving to others can have profound mental and physical benefits, changing your brain activity and triggering positive emotions. When you spread kindness to your community through gifts, charitable donations, random acts […]