21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life

Because we live in a culture that increasingly leans toward commercialism, materialism, and secularism, it is not always easy to keep the soul nourished.

The challenge of these days, when times are not hospitable to spiritual growth, is how to nuture, feed, heal, restore, and renew the soul. Here are 21 practical suggestions for building a stronger spiritual life.

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The Grace of Gardening

You know the drill. From the moment the alarm clock sounds, you’re rushing at warp speed. Get up. Get the kids up. Grab a shower. Get the kids ready for school. Rifle through the cupboards for a cereal breakfast. Scoop the car keys. Grab the kids’ sack lunches, backpacks, homework, and you’re out the door. Whew! Before you’ve even begun the day, you’re frazzled, disconnected, and out of sync. Were we meant to live like this? Dr. Eva Shaw, Ph. D. author of Shovel It: Nature’s Health Plan, doesn’t think so.

Blame our breakneck pace on the Industrial Revolution, the need for a two-income household or just the velocity of modern times. Wherever the blame lies, sometimes it can seem like we need a dose of therapy just to cope. But before you send your fingers walking through the yellow pages for a psychologist or group therapist, take a look at your thumb. Even if it’s not green, you can benefit from a bit of garden therapy.
Read more about The Grace of Gardening

Forever Young

In a recent U.S. News and World Report article titled “10 Health Habits That Will Help You Live to 100,” sandwiched between suggestions to floss your teeth and stay connected with your friends, was a piece of surprising advice: “Live like a Seventh-day Adventist.”

Not long before that article was published, the national best-selling book The Blue Zonesrecognized Loma Linda, California, as one of the world’s longevity “hot spots” because of its high concentration of Seventh-day Adventists.

Read more about Forever Young